Frauenhaus Dortmund
Notruf: 0231 800081
Postfach: 500 234
44202 Dortmund
Frauenhaus Dortmund
The Frauenhaus takes care of women and their children who have been physically or mentally abused by their partners or other family members. Every year 120 women and 120 children of all nationalities get protection, support and advice. Our staff members speak German and English. If there are any problems with the language, we will try and find a translator. We offer a total of 30 places for women and children. Each woman takes care of herself and her children. Women without any income can receive public relief, i.e. Sozialhilfe temporarily. The women will get support from our staff members and from the other inmates. Consultations and group encounters will support women in developing new perspectives for their lives, taking decisions and carrying them through.
Children in the Frauenhaus
They have also been suffering from the abuse they experienced. Our staff members help them to try and cope with their problems. We offer special groups for children of various ages as well as single consultations and we also help with the homework. We focus on the special requirements and problems of children. There is an age limit of 14 for boys but we will help the women to find a temporary place to stay for older boys.
How to find shelter in the Frauenhaus
You can call us any time, day and night: 0231 – 80 00 81.
We have a meeting-place that can be reached by public traffic facilities. Staff members will meet you there. It will be advantageous if you bring along personal things ( clothes, medicine, … ) and the most essential documents ( identity papers, clinic or health insurance card, residence permit , etc. ). If there is no place for you in the Frauenhaus Dortmund or if you prefer to move to another town, you can get the phone numbers of other houses.
Für den Unterhalt des Frauenhauses sind wir dringend auf Spenden angewiesen. Wir freuen uns über jeden Spendenbetrag. Alle Spenden sind steuerabzugsfähig, Spendenbescheinigungen werden ausgestellt. Bitte geben Sie dazu Ihre Anschrift an. Die Spendenquittung erhalten Sie möglichst zeitnah.
Förderverein Frauen helfen Frauen e. V. Dortmund
Sparkasse Dortmund
BLZ: 440 501 99
Konto: 211 010 908
IBAN: DE06440501990211010908
So erreichen Sie uns:
Frauen helfen Frauen e. V.
Frauenhaus Dortmund
Postfach 500 234
44202 Dortmund
Notruf: 0231 80 00 81
Tel.: 0231 7250570 | Fax: 0231 7250571